Monthly Archives: January 2012

Will the law against hitting the children take effect in Fraiburgo?

The law against parents hitting their kids might not have effects in Fraiburgo. The reason? Over there, the Portuguese word (palmadas) used for this law does not exist or at least nobody has ever used in Fraiburgo. Below is a realtime dicussion on facebook with other local expressions used for parents when the kids are getting spoilt. Needless to say that we are not motivating violence, the point of discussion is why Brazil is discussing this law? Don’t we have other priorities? Still many people are thankful they parents like me for defining my limits in the course of my childhood.

Análise arquitetônica comparativa – Um estudo de caso / Comparative architectonic analisys – Case study

Devido a imponência e repercussão do caso do vespeiro de Fraiburgo, a equipe de consultores do “Lá no Frai” realizou uma análise comparativa desta obra magnífica em relação as construções tradicionais feitas por vespas não fraiburguenses. O objetivo deste post é trazer os resultados de forma tabelada.

A análise constitui-se de um estudo aprofundado da organização espacial, localização, adequação volumétrica, ensejos arquitetônicos nas pespectivas social e econômica. Como subsídio, temos relatos dos moradores, registros fotográficos, croquis da planta baixa, anúncios de jornal e a reconstrução virtual 3d das obras. Abaixo os resultados da versão 1.2:

Because of the national impact of the hornet’s nest of Fraiburgo,  the team of consultants from “Lá no Frai” conducted a deep insightful comparative analysis of this magnificent work. Therefore, the purpose of this post is to bring to the fore the results of a thorough analysis of the nest architecture in relation to traditional hornets nests built by non-fraiburguese wasps.

The analysis consists of a detailed study that observes the spatial organization, location, suitability, volumetric, architectural and economic aspects. Information was gathered by residents, photographic records, floor plan sketches, and newspaper ads 3d virtual reconstruction. Below, the results of version 1.2 of the report:


Wasp Nest


Lá no Frai

Estilo / Style

Comunista feudal.
Lema = “O dinheiro da origem a vida” Communist feudalist – Moto = “Money originates life”
Barroco-Fraiburgo-renacentista neo-clássico fortemente baseado no post já públicado aqui no blog em os “princípios arquitetônicos de Fraiburgo“. Caracterizado pela transição do feudalismo para o capitalismo vespônico baseado na cultura da maçã.Lema = “A vida da origem ao dinheiro” Baroque-Fraiburguese-Renascentist based on the already published post “lá no frai” architectonic principles . It is characterized by the transition of feudal communist to Fraiburguese honet capitalism based apple culture. Moto = “Life originates money”


Pequeno / Small Graúdo / Large

Espécie dos arquitetos

Architects specimen

Vespas / Hornets
Tchô Quenorris Vespenious Vociferous des Fraiburgous operandis

Localização /


Qualquer lugar / Anywhere Fraiburgo (Área nobre do oeste do universo). De frente POMAR e com fácil acesso ao lago das araucárias. In Fraiburgo a Noble area in the west of the universe near by the “Araucárias’ Lake”.



  • Modelo básico sem itens opcionais como espelho retrovisor direito, tapetes, extintor e motor.
  • Somente na cor cinza desbotado.
  • Internet discada depois da meia noite
  • Sem áreas de lazer
  • Sem janelas, elevadores, sacadas e outras frescuras.
  • Áreas de uso comum (todas)
  • Estacionamento rotativo descoberto.
  • Basic model without optional items like right side mirror, carpets, fire extinguisher and engine.
  • Available only in faded gray.
  • Internet dial up from after midnight to 6 A.M.
  • No recreational areas
  • No windows, balconies or other useless facilities.
  • Common areas (everything shared)
  • Parking uncovered.
  • Modelo completo + turbo, Air-bags direção hidráulica.
  • Disponível nas cores amarelo, vermelho fosforescente, rosa choque e azul calcinha sempre que for necessário se diferenciar das obras vizinhas.
  • Guarita de acesso
  • Uma quadra poliesportiva, hidromassagem (jacuzzi), sauna molhada e seca para cada apartamento.
  • Piscina aquecida coberta
  • Espaço gourmet
  • Salão multiuso
  • Brinquedoteca
  • Adega
  • Fitness
  • Sala para artes marciais e danças
  • Internet 24 fibra ótica
  • Fonte com jatos recreativos
  • Solarium
  • Segurança 24 horas
  • Sala de cinema
  • Um sacada para cada cômodo. Ex. sacada cozinha, do banheiros, da dispensa. Obs. Em Fraiburgo 99% das sacadas não são utilizadas pelo clima frio. Ainda não se sabe o que se passava na cabeça dos arquitetos.
  • Elevadores elevadores multi-dimensionais.
  • Garagem coberta individual.
  • Heliponto individual.
  • Aeroporto individual.
  • Sistema de saneamento básico completo. Ver a foto.
  • Full range + turbo, Air-bags power steering.
  • Available in yellow, fluorescent red, pink and blue panties whenever necessary to differentiate from the works nearby Fraiburguese.
  • Check points for access.
  • A sports court, whirlpool (Jacuzzi), Wet and dry sauna for each apartment.
  • Multi-dimentional elevators.
  • Indoor heated pool
  • Gourmet
  • Multipurpose hall
  • Toybrary
  • Gym
  • Room for martial arts and dance.
  • Internet 24×7 Fiber Optic Internet
  • Solarium
  • Cinema
  • A balcony for each room. Ex kitchen balcony , bathrooms balcony and so forth. Note that in Fraiburgo In 99% of the balconies are not used by cold weather. Why is that? I don’t know yet but it is a fact.
  • Individual garage
  • Helipad
  • Airport
  • Complete sanitation system. See fotos.

Seguem mais algumas fotos. Mais informações clique aqui.
Below some more picture of the this terrific non-human work. More information click here (Portuguese only).

The Fraiburguese Dialect 02

Once a stranger has learned and incorporated the Fraiburguese dialect in its own vocabulary, he/she will perceive the world in a different way, more comprehensive and accurate. By default, when a Fraibuguese person leaves the city he/she will eventually realize the lack of accuracy of other people speeches and this is perhaps one of the greatest competitive advantages they have. Moreover, as many expressions are extremely regionalized like theses, the Fraiburgueses people end up learning new expressions while are circulating in other cultural universes, hence increasing their overwhelming cultural-vocabular repertoires. The image below show objects which can be used the the verb “open”. There fore you can open a can, a company, a scream or a cut on any part of they body. The 2 last ones are terms very specific to the region in a rather funny way.

The most famous Fraiburguese guy ever

Guys, this is the most famous Fraiburguese person ever. Well, translating a joke is a real pain in the ass, but ok I accept the challenge. “Tchô” is the local word to an unknown person and sounds much like Chuck and the phrase says “the most famous Fraiburguese in the west of the universe” meaning Fraiburgo’s region in a broader sense.

Lá no Frai blog second year

Ladies em gentleman,

Welcome to the second year of the “La no Frai” project, Fraiburgo a place to be discovered. This is a blog that seeks to define in two language what, how, why, when, where is Fraiburgo and its people, culture and stereotypes. Fraiburgo, which is not Nova Friburgo (RJ), Friburg (Switzerland), Freiburg (Germany), not even gaucho, has its own cultural existence which is based on the different ideas and hard work of different peoples that have left their contribution to shape the destiny of the city. Their live endeavours are the main source of expiration to this project which has received loads of contributions from the readers. On facebook I have made some changes, but what matters is that all material is located here. There is a chance to receive all e-mail notification of new posts by adding your e-mail on buttom “follow the blog” next. That’s it for now. Bellow is the cute French style so called “Little castle” and its son “Little boy-castle” right next to the impotent Araucária pine trees.