Ladies em gentleman,
Welcome to the second year of the “La no Frai” project, Fraiburgo a place to be discovered. This is a blog that seeks to define in two language what, how, why, when, where is Fraiburgo and its people, culture and stereotypes. Fraiburgo, which is not Nova Friburgo (RJ), Friburg (Switzerland), Freiburg (Germany), not even gaucho, has its own cultural existence which is based on the different ideas and hard work of different peoples that have left their contribution to shape the destiny of the city. Their live endeavours are the main source of expiration to this project which has received loads of contributions from the readers. On facebook I have made some changes, but what matters is that all material is located here. There is a chance to receive all e-mail notification of new posts by adding your e-mail on buttom “follow the blog” next. That’s it for now. Bellow is the cute French style so called “Little castle” and its son “Little boy-castle” right next to the impotent Araucária pine trees.