Tag Archives: work

Como o Blog é produzido / How Lá no Frai is made.

Tchozinhos e tchozinhas do Brasil,


Tamo de vorta escrinhando mais sobre as coisaradinhas do Frai e com várias novidades (ptus… esse “Várias novidades” é muito clichê  – Favor desconsiderar, apesar de ser verdade).  Então, esse último mês foi um tempo bom pro Tchozinho largá mão do Lá no Frai, descansar um pouco e dar atenção para outros projetos, mais ou menos como num processo de desintoxicação mental.

Guys, back to Lá no Frai Project. I have rather been busy lately working on my professional life. Well, what I can tell about Fraiburgo this time? I have been out there sometime ago and noticed that I ended up working (mentally) way more then what I usually do here in Desterro. It is perhaps the reflex of changing contexts, however I found quite difficult to explain it to my friends or family who truly believe I am on vacation, holidays or whatever, which is note the case. All this Portuguese/Fraiburguese text below is an attempt too explain this and the dynamics of intellectual versus physical work and the chances that internet has affected this relations. Perhaps for being a countryside city it is natural that people get more attached to a physical activity to gain some sort of reputation but I am sure soon or later the differences will be come clear. Also, some people asked me how the blog is made. I reflected a bit and found a picture that can explain the overwhelming task of portraying my small and beloved home city, as a result, I hope more people in Fraiburgo start expressing they feelings and thoughts not only about the city about their own existence, we Brazilians are very bad at this.

Desde a última vez que estive em Fraiburgo, tive algumas impressões interessantes. Uma delas é que quando estou por lá, acabo trabalhando mentalmente muito mais do que em Desterro (vulgo Florianópolis), porém a galerinha de ambas as cidades, pensam que estou de férias ou só vadiando hehehe. Digo o seguinte, tenho dificuldades de expressar a diferença do trabalho intelectual, artístico e  filosófico em relação ao trabalho físico para construção reputacional. Ai vai uma visão tchozina sobre trabalhos criativos:

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Fraiburgo, Wikipedia and the power of collaborative work


Hello folks,

Today, on the way to present the city I would like to first introduce its wikipedia site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraiburgo , this is a fantastic result of a knowledge intensive collaborative work running on by volunteers that in many cases are not even from Fraiburgo. In there you can have a better overview of the concept of “Fraiburgo” which is the main topic of this blog. Because it was this precursor of the blog and the first way we found to put the city on the since 2008 some friends and I started taking pictures and writing about this lovely and remarkable city where I lived until I was 18. the idea  was precisely the lack of English material to convey a bit of our culture and way of thinking. Brazil is one of the biggest cultural melting pot on earth therefore this is a little bit about our contribution to it and I hope you guys enjoy this album. Thanks a lot and be our guest.

Fraiburgo wiki