Tag Archives: xmas

End of the year 2014

Every time I arrive to Fraiburgo, the very first thing to do, after family priorities, is to go for the traditional walk around the Araucárias lake, which is at the center of the town. We Fraiburguese miss it while living abroad. So, here are the two very best picts from yesterday 20th December 2014. The Xmas decoration is very well organised, in fact the city was dressed pretty and neatly, but this will left for another post. For now I wish you all super nice very awesome great Xmas and happy new year.

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Natal 2013 / Xmas 2013

Por/ By – Joni Hoppen

Trem reduzida espaço em branco

Clique para aumentar / Click to enlarge

Rua arnoldo frey luzes logo branco

Arnold Frey Road – Clique para aumentar / Click to enlarge

noel no lago branco logo

Papai Noel no Lago – Clique para aumentar / Click to enlarge

DSC_0094-logo-reduzido centro de evento

Centro de eventos – Event center

michelangelo natal 2013 noite lua

Edifício Michelangelo – Michelangelo Building

hotel renar logo natal 2013

Hotel Renar / Renar Hotel

Castelinho logo luz noite branco

Reminiscências dos Natais Fraiburguenses / Reminiscences of Fraiburguese Christmas

Revirando o acervo da família, olha só o que surgiu…
Going through the photo collection of my family here’s what came up …

Clique para aumentar / Click to enlarge

Deu uma saudades profunda dessa época que a gente ia com os pais (em Fraiburguês “copai e camãe”) ver os barcos iluminados de natal no lago das Araucárias.

Essa era a feliz vida de piá nas redondesas do interior de Santa Catarina entre as décadas de 80 e 90… Hoje muita coisa mudou na cidade mas acredito que o jeito do pessoal lá no Frai continua o mesmo no final de todos os anos…. 

 A good remembrance of the time in which we went with our parents see the lighted Christmas boat in the lake of Araucarias.

That was a happy life around at the center of Santa Catarina in the middle of the 80’s and 90’s… Today, thigs have changed but the Fraibuguese people’s stereotype remains the same by the end of each year…