Praticamente o Lago das Araucárias sem as construções. General Carneiro – PR.
Tag Archives: Lago das Araucárias
Um dia / One day
Um dia foi assim, o sol nasceu, os pinheiros mergulharam no lago sem se molhar e as cores se despertaram. Tudo no seu tempo, tudo no seu espaço, tudo em Fraiburgo, terra do lago das Araucárias…
That was the way sun appeared, the pine trees dry-dived in the lake and the colours woke up. Each thing in each own time, space in Fraiburgo, the land of the Araucárias lake.
Frio e Calor no Frai / The cold and warm Fraiburgo
Amanhecer em Fraiburgo com temperaturas abaixo de zero é alucinógeno. Ainda não consegui encontrar o autor desta foto. Mas parabéns pelo empenho. Uma excelente foto para mostrar que existe um Brasil subtropical é frio de verdade. Antagonicamente, está a foto tirada alguns anos depois no verão de 2012, onde apesar da seca as árvores estão mais coloridas e o lago precisando de água :). Pode se jogar o jogo dos 7 erros, mas acredito que tenham bem mais 🙂 (se gostar compartilhe ou deixe seu comentário)…
Early in the morning in the winter time, simply breath taking. Conversely below is a recent picture in the summer. Its possible to play the 7 errors games if you like although I think there are much more than 7 🙂 If you like share it 🙂 By the way, the winter here is in the June, July… Summer Dec, Jan, Feb. The opposite of the northern hemisphere.
Reminiscências dos Natais Fraiburguenses / Reminiscences of Fraiburguese Christmas
Revirando o acervo da família, olha só o que surgiu…
Going through the photo collection of my family here’s what came up …
Deu uma saudades profunda dessa época que a gente ia com os pais (em Fraiburguês “copai e camãe”) ver os barcos iluminados de natal no lago das Araucárias.
Essa era a feliz vida de piá nas redondesas do interior de Santa Catarina entre as décadas de 80 e 90… Hoje muita coisa mudou na cidade mas acredito que o jeito do pessoal lá no Frai continua o mesmo no final de todos os anos….
A good remembrance of the time in which we went with our parents see the lighted Christmas boat in the lake of Araucarias.
That was a happy life around at the center of Santa Catarina in the middle of the 80’s and 90’s… Today, thigs have changed but the Fraibuguese people’s stereotype remains the same by the end of each year…
The first blog visitors
Hallo everybody,
After more or less a week of the existence of this blog, I was really glad to feel that some people abroad are getting curious about it. Some said that the name Fraiburgo sounds really funny specially for those who know the ancient German Freiburg in the state of Baden-Württemberg, which is 50km away from the village of Witternheim where the founders of Fraiburgo came from. This is a subject for another post.
Now I am digesting all the comments, ideas, pictures and books I have received, I hope to able to make something interesting out of it bulk of information.
Here is another picture of the Auraucárias’ Lake which was missing in the last post.
The city lake, our favorite place
Today, I am going to bring you to the famous lake of the city. Here is a ludic map of the city (click on the pic) to give some sense of direction. In there you can see the city gate and the lake.
Here is a picture taken pointing to the center of the town. This is by far one of our favorite places in the city.
When I was showing the pictures of the lake to my friends, they usually asked me “but it isn’t really a lake isn’t it? It looks like a pond” I say, “No, of course it’s not a pond, it is a lake”. Ok, let clarify this. In fact, it isn’t a real lake. So why do we “Fraiburguenses” call it as a lake? The answer is simple, it is because we feel like doing so and because everybody agrees on this, then it is a lake, at least for us. I’m not joking. If you think about it, that is the same process that happens in science, languages, religion, economics and so forth “what it is and what isn’t is always and only a question of consensus”. Therefore, in our local agreement this is a lake. Yet, to strengthen and extend the overall consensus over this topic, the names of streets and buildings are named after to “lake” related names :). Looking from an outside perspective it’s funny :). Furthermore, I feel that this is already so rooted in our minds that if you come to the city and look for the pond of the city we might think you are looking for something else rather than our adorable little lake.
So why the lake is so special for us? That’s is tough question actually. Perhaps it’s similar to ask why are your siblings so special for you? It’s difficult to explain, we basically grew up next it, it is part of our family, it was silently present in most of the important city events and in our life happenings. Generation after generation it is there watching us. It is the symbol and the pride of city and what makes it unique in the country e perhaps in the world.
These trees below are a gift of a very specially woman called Lídia Frey who planted the seeds of theses magnificent pine trees thinking ahead, about the next generations. I dream about seeing actions like this becoming normal thing and not an exception to the rule. Fortunately, here we have a real and lovely example that altruistic actions like this work out in the long term, generating value to everyone, not only for the citizens of Fraiburgo, but also for humanity. Many thanks to Mrs. Lídia Frey (in memoriam) for this wonderful gift and life example.
So now you know a little bit more about the famous lake. I hope you enjoyed. I see you one the next posts.