Homenagem do Lá no Frai aos namoraNdos e aos já casados que entendem que estar junto é sustentar coisas das quais avulsamente não seriam possíveis. A eterna busca humana pela simetria acaba se refletindo na arquitetura e em todo resto do universo. Numa interpretação arquitetônica livre, Lá no Frai a torre da esquerda com a maçã representa a Tchozinha e a outra com o maior termómetro da américa latina representa o Tchozinho – Casal bonito né?
An architectural tribute to the couples around who understand that being together means hold things what would not be possible singularly. In Brazil valentine’s day is on the 12 of June curiously in the winter so does in the northern hemisphere what is the purpose of it? hehehe In Fraiburgo the left tower has an red apple that might represent the woman (Tchoa) and on right the man so called “Tcho” – nice couple 🙂
Torii Gate (Miya-Jima), Arco do Triunfo (Paris), Tower Bridge (Londres), Praça Maria Frey (Fraiburgo)
Fraiburgo sc radio fraiburgo videira prefeitura de fraiburgo tempo fraiburgo hotel fraiburgo fraiburgo santa catarina
Então piazada, o Frai vem despontando em várias áreas e descobrindo novos talentos dia após dia. Neste final de semana o Diego Rafael Novicki foi eleito o tchô mais bonito do estado e a tchoazinhas foram a loucura. O Lá no Frai parabeniza este cidadão por revelar para o estado o que só nós fraiburguenses sabíamos “O Frai é terra gente bonita”. Lá no Frai é assim… Parabéns piá….
So, how do Fraiburguese people look like? As you should know Brazil is place of good looking people but in Fraiburgo it is another level as you can see in the picture below. This is Diego Rafael Novicki who was the winner of the Santa Catarina State handsome contest held this weekend in the city of navegantes. We Fraiburguese are pround of him revailing something that only we knew “Fraiburgo is a place good looking people”. Congrats Diego.
O choque cultural dos tchôs que saem de Fraiburgo para para o litoral de Santa Catarina, onde se fala o Manezes, é grande e afeta a todos.
The culture shock for anyone coming from Fraiburgo to the cost of Santa Catarina is huge and affects everyone including the birds that sing differently here:
Impossível passar pelo Frai sem notar as remanescentes e imponentes araucárias e suas fieis amigas cortejantes (hortências). O que me alegra é poder vê-las ainda ao vivo e das suas grimpas fazer um fogo de chão que estrala como pipoca para sapecar o pinhão.
Impossible to pass by without noticing the remaining and imponent Araucária pines and their faithful friends (hydrangeas). I’m glad they still exist provinding delicius food (seeds) called “pinhão”.
Por muito pouco nossas araucárias não foram todas extintas. Em menos de 50 anos elas foram perseguidas e aniquiladas sistematicamente num tremendo holocausto vegetal sem precedentes na nossa história. Quanto maior fosse a tora, maior era o orgulho da ignorância do homem. A americana Southern Brazil Lumber & Colonization Company era como um polvo e seus tentáculos (trilhos) penetravam no continente sugando todas as árvores e recursos naturais que poderiam ser transportados nos vagões até os portos de SP e RJ. Onde estariam essas árvores hoje? Depois da limpeza no terreno, bastava expulsar os nativos da região e vender terrenos já loteados para os europeus famintos que, no Brasil, não paravam de chegar.
a desabilitada estrada de ferro do planto nos custou o “despovoamento de 15 milhões de pinheiros, imbuias, cedros e perobas que se aninharam no extenso planalto de Canoinhas” Sergio Sachet – Santa Catarina 100 de história. Do gene humano que ali habitava o estrago foi incalculável.
It is just by chance they were not all extinguished. In less than 50 years they were systematically persecuted and annihilated a huge vegetable holocaust unprecedented in our history. The larger the log, the greater was the pride of ignorance of human kind. The U.S. Southern Brazil Lumber & Colonization Company was like an octopus and the tentacles (rails) penetrated the continent sucking all the trees and natural resources that could be transported in wagons to the ports of RJ and SP. Where were these trees today? After cleaning the ground, it was enough to expel the natives and sell land already batched for the hungry Europeans immigrants who could not stop coming to Brazil.
As a result,
The, nowadays, a disabled railroad costed the “depopulation of 15 million pines, walnuts, cedars and perobas that nested themselves in the extensive plateau Canoinhas” Sergio Sachet – Santa Catarina 100 history. Regarding the the human gene that lived there the damage was incalculable.
Gostaria de desejar um feliz natal a todos e agradecer pelas contribuições, discussões, risadas e tudo mais que aconteceu nesse primeiro ano do blog “Lá no Frai”. Aprendi muito com vocês (desculpem não citar nomes) e espero que outras pessoas também sintam-se motivadas a estudar, entender e descrever coisas interessantes sobre esse pedacinho do mundo que causa saudades nas pessoas independentes de onde elas estejam…
Um grande abraço
Dear all,
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank all for the contributions, discussions, laughter and everything else that happened in the first year blog “Lá no Frai”. I hope that you will some day take the opportunity to step in this land, but in the meantime I will do my best to keep posting curiosities and ramdom things about it. All in all, thank you very much for your attention!
The “Friendship Route” is a regional initiative to promote the tourism within the cities located at the center of Santa Catarina State, a geographical area where the cultural diversity is high enough to allow you to experience first hand the influences of different nationalities in terms of architecture, food and etc. Here is the text translation of the picture is below.
While following the Friendship Route, the sights and flavours emerge in pleasurable sensations and emotion. Getting to know the essence of different cultures in one place, from the Austrian traditions to the Japanese culture, is pleasant and cozy. Enjoy a mix of emotions for the whole family. Come and see, the myriad of charms and flavours of the Friendship Route.
Parabéns pra turma da Rota da amizade. Estão fazendo um trabalho muito bonito e de divulgação turística da região do meio oeste de Santa Catarina. Sempre tem coisa interessante no blog http://rotadaamizade.wordpress.com/ ou no modo interativo, Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/rotadaamizade é uma boa para quem quer visitar a região, divulgá-la ou para os que estão espalhados pelo mundo e querem saber das novidades da nave mãe. Encontrei este trabalho de pelo eco das conversas das pessoas. Quando vi mais de perto gostei muito, pois alguém precisa plantar a semente das ideias para que se tornem frutos em forma de novidade, essas novidades que nos ajudam a desenhar e dar contorno aos sonhos que virarão realidade 🙂 Toda essa região é resultado do sonho de muitos que por ai passaram e deram o melhor de si. Parabéns de novo!
Today, I am going to bring you to the famous lake of the city. Here is a ludic map of the city (click on the pic) to give some sense of direction. In there you can see the city gate and the lake.
Here is a picture taken pointing to the center of the town. This is by far one of our favorite places in the city.
Click to enlarge
When I was showing the pictures of the lake to my friends, they usually asked me “but it isn’t really a lake isn’t it? It looks like a pond” I say, “No, of course it’s not a pond, it is a lake”. Ok, let clarify this. In fact, it isn’t a real lake. So why do we “Fraiburguenses” call it as a lake? The answer is simple, it is because we feel like doing so and because everybody agrees on this, then it is a lake, at least for us. I’m not joking. If you think about it, that is the same process that happens in science, languages, religion, economics and so forth “what it is and what isn’t is always and only a question of consensus”. Therefore, in our local agreement this is a lake. Yet, to strengthen and extend the overall consensus over this topic, the names of streets and buildings are named after to “lake” related names :). Looking from an outside perspective it’s funny :). Furthermore, I feel that this is already so rooted in our minds that if you come to the city and look for the pond of the city we might think you are looking for something else rather than our adorable little lake.
So why the lake is so special for us? That’s is tough question actually. Perhaps it’s similar to ask why are your siblings so special for you? It’s difficult to explain, we basically grew up next it, it is part of our family, it was silently present in most of the important city events and in our life happenings. Generation after generation it is there watching us. It is the symbol and the pride of city and what makes it unique in the country e perhaps in the world.
These trees below are a gift of a very specially woman called Lídia Frey who planted the seeds of theses magnificent pine trees thinking ahead, about the next generations. I dream about seeing actions like this becoming normal thing and not an exception to the rule. Fortunately, here we have a real and lovely example that altruistic actions like this work out in the long term, generating value to everyone, not only for the citizens of Fraiburgo, but also for humanity. Many thanks to Mrs. Lídia Frey (in memoriam) for this wonderful gift and life example.
Click to enlarge / Click para aumentar
So now you know a little bit more about the famous lake. I hope you enjoyed. I see you one the next posts.