Tag Archives: Terra da maçã

Vigilância Tchozina / Fraiburguese security style

Mesmo com tantas coisas para fazer no Frai (sem ironias), certo dia saí para continuar um levantamento fotográfico das árvores da cidade, as quais admiro profundamente. Dai, no meio do caminho, de cima do caminhão, me aparece o cachorro do “Tom e Jerry” latindo bem loco, dizendo (provavelmente):

– “Saí tchô! “
– “Se arracanque daqui loco!”
– “Que djanho! Saí… Saí… Saí… piá”

Enfim, não me acadelei e consegui registar algumas árvores e também o modelo de vigilância tchozino, provando que vigilância eletrônica é pros bem fracos 🙂

Even have rather busy in the short stays in Fraiburgo, I took some time to get some images our beloved trees, nonetheless I couldn’t expect “Tom and Jerrys’s dog” on top of the truck shouting out loud “get out of here” :). Well,  anyway, I got some nice pics and this one shows that electronic surveillance is definitely not our security style 🙂

The first blog visitors

Hallo everybody,

After more or less a week of the existence of this blog, I was really glad to feel that some people abroad are getting curious about it. Some said that the name Fraiburgo sounds really funny specially for those who know the ancient German Freiburg in the state of Baden-Württemberg, which is 50km away from the village of Witternheim where the founders of Fraiburgo came from. This is a subject for another post.

Now I am digesting all the comments, ideas, pictures and books I have received, I hope to able to make something interesting out of it bulk of information.

Here is another picture of the Auraucárias’ Lake which was missing in the last post. 

The explosion of green after the heavy rain – A explosão do verde depois do temporal…